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Juno the Japanese Akita

Juno was rescued from a Chinese dog butcher on 19th November 2017 by Plush Bear.

Juno was one of the most aggressive dogs we have ever rescued with zero trust in humans. Due to his hostility, he had to be kept separate from other dogs at the shelter too.

At times we wondered if he was half dog/half lion due to his savage outbursts. However, Callum our head fundraiser decided he would give Juno a much-needed second chance and brand new life in the UK. He now lives with Callum and his 3 other dogs. Juno adores his master and with time has learned to love and trust again. He spends most of his time following Callum around and eating but also enjoys a nice leisurely stroll each day (nothing too strenuous as this big, beautiful boy definitely prefers to kick back and relax in all of his glory).

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